Flower Delivery in Oldham


Welcome to our online shop.

Here you will find the same great quality and style that we provide in store at The Floristry. We pride ourselves in providing only the best, freshest flowers along with professional, dedicated customer services. Our suppliers deliver fresh flowers daily to our florist in oldham from all around the globe, to ensure our flowers are as fresh as possible.

Same day flower delivery is available on most of our range, we deliver flowers to Chadderton, Failsworth & Hollinwood, East Oldham District, West Oldham District, Royton, Shaw & Crompton, Saddleworth, Lees and Rochdale.

Dozen red roses


Love at first sight

From £28.30

Luxury dozen

From £75

Sunflower Love

From £29.95

Sweet love

From £40.30

Florist choice

From £25

The ultimate

From £65

Vibrant Love

From £32.50

My valentine Simple and elegant

From £36.50

Classic Rose and Lilly Bouquet

From £39.70

Hot stuff

From £32.45

Smoldering love

From £24.95

I love you Berry much

From £34

50 red roses


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